Tulips: Flower Fever & Paradise Gardens

A long Easter weekend is imminent and the air all around is buzzing with the…

landscaping on a grand scale
Landscaping on a Grand Scale (plus some suggestions for smaller schemes too)

This spring sees us busily bringing to life some truly grand garden designs and the…

aromatic winter shrubs
Winter Flowering Shrubs: Bringing Jewels to the Winter Garden

The grey chill of winter doesn’t have to mean a dearth of colour or scent…

plant trends 2019
Plant Colour Trends 2019

2018 saw big, bold yellows emblazoning borders. This wasn’t just a splash of sunshine here…

bare-root planting
Bare-Necessities: Bare-Root Planting Uncovered

Late-autumn through winter is the perfect time for planting bare-root trees, roses and shrubs, but…

thinking persons trees - liquidambar
Top 7 feature trees for the thinking person’s garden

Whether you are looking to add some structure to your garden, hoping to do your…

Great Grasses: 4 Hand-Picked Garden Heroes

Whether you’re planning your very own prairie paradise or require some structure in an already…

Create a Woodland Stumpery

Have you recently felled some trees and aren’t sure what do with leftover stumps and…

How to… create a stunning late-summer planter

The Oxfordshire Gardener shows us how to put together a gorgeous display of late-summer colour…

prairie planting
Waking Up to Autumn’s Jewels

Planting autumn’s jewel colours to pep your mood. Gaze out on an autumn morn at…