The Kitchen Garden

starting a kitchen garden
The Rewards & Realities of Starting a Kitchen Garden
If you’re new to vegetable gardening, then starting a kitchen garden can be a little…
Planting Seeds
Planting Lettuce Seeds – In the greenhouse with Simon
Welcome and come inside The Oxfordshire Gardener greenhouse! This spring we are learning how to…
sow broad beans
How to Sow Broad Beans
Watch our Kitchen Garden Specialist show you how to sow broad beans and get them…
grow potatoes
How to grow potatoes
Watch as Simon shows how to grow potatoes. From planting chitted seed potatoes, through to…
rhubarb crumble
Rhubarb, Pear & Ginger Crumble

Growing your own rhubarb this year? When it’s ready to harvest try The Oxfordshire Gardener’s…

grow with us
Grow With Us
As we seek comfort and, maybe, cultivate new interests in these uncertain times, growing for…
kitchen garden jobs march
Top Kitchen Garden Jobs In March

Clouds of snow-white blackthorn blossoms are coating hedgerows, filling us with anticipation of what’s to…

kitchen garden
Now Sowing: What to Plant in Autumn Kitchen Garden

The myriad benefits of growing your own are widely known and have been much talked…

Raspberry Special: Growing Scotland’s Best Berries

Here at The Garden Barn, we’re rather partial to handfuls of delicious raspberries, especially when…