
Sensory Gardens
Late-Summer Jobs in the Garden
Finally, after a cool and slightly damp July, summer has finally shown its true colours…
Autumn Lawncare
A Guide To Autumn Lawn Care
After the intense summer heat, autumn is a time of year when your lawns are…
Greenhouse Glory
Functional & Beautiful: Your Guide to Greenhouse Glory
1 Firle Pot BUY NOW 2 Confit Jar From a selection found at Station Mill…
cutting garden
Why Do You Need A Cutting Garden?
Creating a beautiful and secluded spot within your garden for you to cultivate a collection…
pruning wisteria
Working Wonders on Wisteria: A Summer-Pruning Masterclass

The gentle, hazy descent into the mellow-gold of autumn is, as yet, beyond the horizon,…

living roofs
Living Roofs
Wonderful for the environment and adding a striking spot of visual interest throughout your garden,…
garden tasks july
7 Garden Tasks for July
July is a busy yet glorious month within the garden.  Whilst we watch our landscapes…
The Beauty of Wildflowers
Essential in supporting our ecosystems, wildflowers are incredibly important blooms that provide pollinators with a…
Your June Gardening Checklist
As summer is fast approaching, this time of year in the garden can feel like…
cut flowers cutting garden
8 Captivating Cut Flowers
Is your garden crying out for a splash of colour and floral fragrance? Discover 8…