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Glorious in the Garden Now… Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’

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Glorious in the Garden Now… Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’


A deep purple beauty, Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ is a charming perennial plant that is burgeoning beautifully in our gardens this July.

With deep emerald foliage, these glorious plants are great for attracting local wildlife and other essential pollinators to the garden. One of our soft landscaping favourites, our team of planting designers frequently include this purple delight throughout a range of our schemes to add a gentle burst of summer colour. From particular planting locations to unusual floral facts, let’s get to know more about the angelic perennial plant that is Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’.

When and where to plant:

A striking planting addition, Salvia is a loyal sun worshipper that thrives best when planted at the front or middle of a garden border. A fairly low maintenance flower, this elegant bloom burgeons best when planted in rich, well-draining soil. However, as much as these plants adore being out in the open, lapping up the sunshine, they also do require a touch of protection by being planted in a particularly sheltered spot.

Tolerance and resistance: 

Known for typically growing in groves or woodland areas, Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ are particularly easy going plants and are tolerant to most soil conditions. In winter however, you want to make sure that these plants are planted in well-draining soil, which will prevent them rotting during the colder periods. An especially hardy plant, these blooms are even able to tackle harsh frosts!

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Curious cuttings:

Did you know that Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ is also referred to as Balkan clary sage? A charming perennial plant, these spiky purple blooms are originally native to areas found around Europe and Asia. An ornamental and extremely tolerant species, Salvia can be found growing in dry deserts to tropical forest environments. Fabulous for creating Mediterranean styled gardens, these blooms are a favourable choice of our designers when crafting our planting schemes as they provide gorgeous long-lasting colour and encourage an exotic aesthetic to flow seamlessly throughout the garden.


A magnet for wildlife, these glorious plants are amazing for attracting bees, butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. Flourishing a collection of nectar-rich blooms, Salvia bears grey tinted foliage that diffuses an aromatic aroma, tempting wildlife in to explore and move around the garden. Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ also makes a great pet-friendly and family-friendly planting option as it is not found to be harmful to animals or people.

Discover more plants that are glorious in the garden and outdoor living inspiration by browsing our stories below. 

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