Garden Design

Gardens Grass
Gardens Without Grass
A contemporary style that we have noticed rising considerably in popularity, grass-free gardens have become…
The Beauty of Wildflowers
Essential in supporting our ecosystems, wildflowers are incredibly important blooms that provide pollinators with a…
horti-futurism landscape garden design
Horti-Futurism – The Latest Garden Trend
A trend that we have seen circulating in 2024, horti-futurism is an unforecasted garden style…
How To Turn Your Garden Into a Social Hub for Summer Parties
Summer is here, so it's time to bring out the BBQ, inflate the paddling pool,…
modern country garden
How To Create A Modern Country Garden
A timeless, vibrant and stylish form of design, modern country is a glorious landscape style…
Potagers: Gardens Where Grace is Practically Perfect in Every Way

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe…

Pergola gazebos
Pergolas and Gazebos – How are they different?
Pergolas and gazebos are two beautiful garden structures that our skilled design team adore integrating…
Living garden wall
Rise of the wallflower: Vertical gardens
Vertical gardens, also known as living walls, are transforming dull, flat surfaces into vibrant, green…
Magic Moss garden
Moss Magic: Transform Your Garden into a Lush Oasis
The magic of moss is that it can transform your outdoor space into a serene…
Art Decor Garden Design
How to Thread Art and Decor Into Your Garden Design
Garden design is the best way to transform your outdoor space into a flourishing landscape…