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Autumn & Winter Trends For 2024

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Autumn & Winter Trends For 2024


Winter is an etching, spring a watercolour, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. – Stanley Horowitz 

We may be sub conscious of it, but in one way or another we are all artists, whether this is on canvas, in writing or even in our garden. Autumn is well known for it’s bright orange, mellow yellows and autumnal browns as leaves fall and evening light draws in sooner but that doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to be artists or enjoy our gardens in the late evenings. With these top 7 tips, tricks and design ideas, we’ll show you how your garden can soon become the ultimate social hub. Let’s get your garden on trend with the upcoming autumn/winter trends for the end of 2024… 

Flowering Bulbs 

Many are misled with the idea that autumn is a subdued time compared to summer as our gardens begin to clear and leaves fall, but in fact it’s a fantastic time to bring life into the garden as the soil is still warm and so bulbs can develop roots and become established before becoming dormant in winter

Daffodils are iconic spring-flowering bulbs that are easy to raise. To grow, plant each bulb at a depth equivalent to roughly three times their own height. Make sure the pointed tip is facing upwards to allow the shoots to easily break through the soil surface in the spring. For the best results, plant a few of them together so they grow in bunches rather than spreading them out too thinly. The best time for planting is just before the end of September.

Another popular spring bulb is the tulip. Again, simply plant them at a depth of three times the bulbs’ height, but with about 5 cm between each one. They will need watering when officially planted but then can be left until spring time. 

By spring, your garden could be bursting with colour when allowing one of our highly skilled horticulturalists to create a bespoke bulb scheme just for you! 

Outdoor Lighting

As days become shorter, good lighting becomes essential. Festoon lighting is a popular choice which includes strings of bulbs hung from two or more structures such as posts, beams, or poles. A great way to frame a cosy outdoor area and ambiance for late night chats and drinks! 

For a modern and sleek looking option, why not add strip lights to help light up the stairs, railings and walls of your patio. This will help to create a seamless and subtle illumination for both style and safety. Also, opting for a warm white or amber colour will complement the traditional autumn colours. 

Outdoor heating 

When nights become longer, we tend to avoid the outside due to the cold temperatures, so installing outdoor heating features throughout your garden is a great way to enjoy your landscape all year round! 

Fire pits are useful for not only introducing light and heat to the surroundings but can also be great fun for the whole family to cook and toast marshmallows! 

Kitchen gardens

There is more to autumn than cooler weather, darker evenings and pumpkin – spiced everything, in fact there’s a whole kitchen garden more! It may come as a surprise but autumn is the perfect time to start your kitchen garden with the opportunity to grow herbs like thyme, oregano, rosemary, and sage and leafy greens like lettuce, kale and spinach – the cold frost can actually add a sweeter and even more delicious taste!

Winding pathways 

As the rain comes in, it’s much harder to navigate and get to different parts of your garden without being covered in mud, so a simple solution is to embrace pathways. They are easily installed, low maintenance and a great feature to enhance visual interest throughout your garden. There are a large variety of options to choose from like gravel, stepping stones or slate to create the most luxurious finish. Our in-house landscaping team is here to help you establish beautiful pathways across your grounds! 

Bright blooms 

If you are loving the colour summer brings to your garden, you don’t have to worry about losing it! There are some great cooler weather loving flowers which will continue to bloom through to winter. Japanese anemones are beautiful, colourful and a great one to cut to spruce up your vases! ‘Colchicum × agrippinumis another great pick. They are hardy and durable, and despite their small size, make a large impact and bring a strong pop of colour!

Last but not least, and possibly the most important … Plan ahead! 

This time of year is great to sit back, relax and look back on your summer garden. What worked well, and what didn’t, what to change for the following year. Planning is a key element to a gardeners guide! It will also give you more time to discuss future plans with your gardener and landscapers.

Do you want your garden to be on trend this Autumn & Winter? Get in touch with us today to find out how our expert landscaping team can help. 

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